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F1 Race Technology - Volume 8

Highlights in this issue include an insight into CFD and a tech review of Formula One 2013 & 2014. As well as focus articles covering sensors and ALM.

£20.00 (£20.00)

May 2014

No matter how good a driver is, in technology-led Formula One he is at the mercy of the competitiveness of his car. What are the factors that make a car capable of running at a competitive pace in qualifying and the race? 

Although there is much secrecy in Formula One, each year this in depth review of the sport’s engineering gets below the sponsors liveries to explain precisely what is going on at the heart of the machines and the secrets of those that are quick.

Contents are:

  • INTRO: THE EDITOR - A new era has begun in Formula One 
  • GRID - The latest news from the Formula One Grid
  • TECH REVIEW: FORMULA ONE 2014 -  New regulations have brought new cars and powertrains of unprecedented complexity 
  • INSIGHT: CFD - Are regulations stifling innovation in CFD? 
  • FOCUS: SENSORS - What type of sensors do F1 teams utilise for data collection? 
  • TECH REVIEW: FORMULA ONE 2013 - Ian Bamsey investigates the technical challenges of the 2013 season 
  • FOCUS: ALM - David Cooper looks at the emerging technology of additive layer manufacturing 
  • PADDOCK - A round-up of technical personnel changes through the 2013-14 seasons 
  • DIRECTORY - The F1 services resource 
  • PS - Lawrence Butcher looks at new entrant Haas Formula

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